#Coteditor themes update
trivial non-AppStore ver.: Update Sparkle framework.trivial Use monospace digits where suitable.Update “Java” syntax style by adding term var (Thanks to Marc Prud'hommeaux!).Optimize syntax highlighting performance.Remove the workaround for the issue of editor scrolling on early macOS High Sierra that was introduced on CotEditor 3.2.4.Avoid switching to inactive tabbed window only to show a syntax highlighting indicator.Remove ⌘1 shortcut for Console from default key-binding settings.Delete the feature alerting inconsistent encoding declaration in document on saving.Avoid merging multiple separators next to each other in the navigation menu into a single separator.Import syntax style files via drag and drop to the Installed Syntax Styles area.Enable importing multiple syntax/theme setting files at once.Update highlight style of icons in the side inspector.Move “Get Info” and “Show Incompatible Characters” menu items into newly added View > Inspector submenu.Restore selected inspector pane on window restoration.Ignore brackets escaped with \ on bracket pair highlight.Make the current line highlight semi-transparent if editor opacity is not 100%.Adjust background color for selected range in inactive editor to avoid unreadable text, especially by a dark theme.Give haptic feedback on pinch zoom when the scale becomes 100%.Select the range surrounded by a brace pair by double-clicking a brace.Highlight matching brace by moving cursor.Parse regular expression pattern in find string field in regular expression mode:.Replace matches with preset replacement definition (Find > Multiple Replace).In addition, the input fields also recognize and handle brace pairs properly just like the main document editor does. Much easier regular expression pattern editing in find panel The new input fields in the find panel syntax-highlight their contents when the regular expression option is enabled. Document outilne at a glance Now, you can look over the auto-extracted document outline, which you might see in the navigation bar above the editor, in the sidebar inspector. Those definitions can also be saved to reuse later. Highlights on CotEditor 3.4 Apply multiple replacement rules at once Using the new feature called “Multiple Replacement”, you can batch process text replacement with a preset definition containing multiple replacement rules.

#Coteditor themes install
To update from an earlier version, download archive from /archives and install it manually. The updater's “Install” button works only on CotEditor 3.3.0 and later. What's new on CotEditor 3.4.0 - CotEditor CotEditor